Magnesium deficiency

A magnesium deficiency first becomes visible at the oldest leaves. Here small rust coloured or cloudy yellow spots will appear. Dead spots may also occur and leaf tips will curl up. As the spots spread, the leaves will turn more yellow. This causes the plant to look more and more tattered. In this stage you'll also see colouring of the young leaves and a decrease in fruit production.

A magnesium deficiency in the plant

How do you recognise a magnesium deficiency?

What is the (possible) cause?

How can you prevent it?

Choose a magnesium rich potting soil for your plant to grow in. You can mix a handful of magnesium granules through the soil to achieve this. The soil temperature is also important: keep this around 22°C. Use one of our base nutrients (like Hydro A&B) to reduce the likelihood of a deficiency. Also keep abiotic factors in mind. These include temperature, light intensity, acidity, amount of moisture and wind strength.

How can you cure it?

The best way to cure a magnesium deficiency is to simply give more magnesium. Don't give this directly through the soil however, as this may cause a calcium deficiency in your plant. Instead, spray foliar feed in which 2% bitter salt has been dissolved on your plant. Do you think the problem is caused by an incorrect EC or pH value? Then we advise flushing your system with clean, pH-controlled water.

What does magnesium do for the plant?

Magnesium is very important for photosynthesis of the plant, since it is a building block of chlorophyll. This means it helps your plant grow. Many enzymes also require magnesium to fulfil their function.

Not sure if you have a magnesium deficiency?

Contact our Grow Experts via Servicedesk and ask for advice.