Manganese deficiency

A manganese deficiency closely resembles an iron deficiency. The difference is that manganese deficiency is mainly visible in leaves just below the top of the plant. Additionally, young leaves will get a light leaf colour followed by dark, brown spots. Another difference from an iron deficiency is that the edges of the leaves will remain green. A manganese deficiency also stalls the photosynthetic process of the plant, causing it to grow slower.

Manganese deficiency in the plant

How do you recognise a manganese deficiency?

What is the (possible) cause?

How can you prevent it?

Prevention is better than cure. Use one of our base nutrients (like Terra Grow and Terra Bloom) to reduce the likelihood of a deficiency. Also keep abiotic factors in mind. These include temperature, light intensity, acidity, amount of moisture and wind strength.

How can you cure it?

If you think your plant has a manganese deficiency, it is wise to flush your system with clean, pH-controlled water. This ensures a good pH and EC value. The symptoms will stop spreading within a week. Keep in mind that damaged leaves are unlikely to recover.

What does manganese do for the plant?

Manganese is important for lignin, a substance that ensures that the cell walls are firm. In addition, it is part of enzymes that help with cell division, metabolism and photosynthesis. Manganese is also involved in the structure of chlorophyll granules.

Not sure if you have a manganese deficiency?

Contact our Grow Experts via Servicedesk and ask for advice.