Lazy plants

It might sounds strange but even plants can become lazy and spoiled. Most people try their hardest to make their plants look good. This means they take real good care of them. But this can also end up counterproductive. How is that possible?

Roots of lazy plants

When we speak of lazy plants we actually mean a lazy root system. Every plant has a main root with multiple lateral roots. These will in turn form rootlets. A plant forms this root system during its growth phase. Roots will be formed in places where the plant will expect to find water at a later time.

How can you recognise a lazy plant?

The problem with lazy plants arises when they are given too much water during their growth phase. If this is the case plants will absorb enough nutrients through their surface roots. As a result they will create less roots that go deeper into the soil. This has two negative consequences. First, the plant now hardly absorbs water from the soil, making it much more dependent on the water you're giving it. Because of this, a lazy plant needs to be watered all season for it to stay satisfied. Secondly, lazy plants will dry out quickly. This can have direct consequences for the growth of fruits. Fruits from a lazy plant will remain much smaller than those of a healthy plant if the lazy plant is not watered twice daily.

How can you prevent lazy plants?

Lazy plants can easily be prevented. Simply don't give your plants too much water in their growth phase. You do not need to be afraid of negative effects. Plants will use their roots to search for the water they need to survive.