Our Grow Experts are ready to help you

Got a question about growing plants that you can’t find an answer to? You can ask our Grow Experts antything through the Service Desk. A bunch of experienced growers are ready to look at your questions and share their expertise. We’ll introduce some of them!

Our Grow Experts are ready to help you


First off, here’s Steven. One of our newest Grow Experts, although he’s been with us for more than a year, already.
“My name is Steven. You may know me from the Servicedesk or our social media channels. I was raised between plants and have been growing plants my whole life. My father has been a farmer for a while and I took over the hobby very quickly, with my own favorite plants. I’ve grown a lot of different species. Some quite rare, others very common but all of them fun to grow. The thing I like the most is getting to know the science behind growing plants. Almost everybody knows how to water a plant and almost everybody can take care of a plant as long as they invest some time and effort. But getting to know various of plant processes and using this information to help our clients & customers reach their goals is the most interesting part of this hobby for me.”


Next up, Jorg. He’s one of our most experienced specialists. He’s been working with us for years.

“My name is Jorg and I work for the Servicedesk, among other things. I’ve been intensively involved in growing plants since I turned 18. From the start of my career as a grower, I’ve been looking for optimization. I also try to follow the trends and integrate them into my cultivations. That is why I switched to LED lamps 6 years ago. In the end I also adjusted my Plagron nutrition and growing conditions to this in order to get the best out of my cultivation. After attending a number of specific cultivating courses at the University of Guelph, I started to link my experience to the theory I learned. With this combination I try to answer every growing question as well as possible.”

Ask them anything

Well, anything plant-, cultivation- or Plagron-related, that is. If you have any questions regarding your cultivation or our products, don’t hesitate to contact our Servicedesk. They can help you to grow legendary!