Outlook: growing in May, June & July

Growing outdoors for beginners. Getting started with outdoor growing. The start of the year, from February through April, was the moment to prepare for your outdoor grow. During these months, you could improve your soil, buy the stuff that you’re going to need and germinate your seeds. You’ve made the necessary choices, like whether you’re going to grow in pots or open soil, whether you’re growing from seed or using cuttings. Now, the time has come to put your choices into practice.

Gardening with Plants

Do you want to know more about growing outdoors?   

In the download area you may find the complete guide "Growing outdoors for beginners - Part II" in 8 languages (NL-EN-ES-FR-DE-IT-PL-CZ). Check it out right away

What will the coming months look like?

Throughout the months of May, June and July, your plants will go through the growing phase and at the start of this period they will finally move outside. That will take the necessary preparations, of course.

It’s clear: your plants will be doing a lot of growing in the following months. Some species might even have an early harvest, but most types of fruit or vegetables will keep you waiting a while longer.