Where can I get help?

Growing outdoors for beginners. In spite of all your careful planning, germinating and raising your seedlings, things aren’t going well with your plants. What now? How do you find out what’s wrong and what can you do about it?

Where can I get help?

Do you want to know more about growing outdoors?   

In the download area you may find the complete guide "Growing outdoors for beginners in 8 languages". Check it out right away. Are you a first time grower and do you need help? Order our startersguide here.

Plagron Service desk

Plagron can help you with most of your growing problems. Mail us your question at servicedesk@plagron.com or fill out the contact form on plagron.com. The Service Desk can help you with any questions regarding the use of Plagron products. But our experts at the Service Desk can also help you with any technical growing questions you may have.


The internet has a lot of forums filled with enthusiastic growers. These communities are happy to help with any questions about cultivation, plant problems or supplies. It can also be very useful to look around these forums before even starting your growing project. You’ll find many tips by and for other growers. Learn from the mistakes of others!