Do you want to grow easy and succesfully?

May 28, 2024

With our Easy Pack it's within reach! This pack provides you with all the essential nutrients to grow three to four plants from start to finish. The Easy Pack is available in two versions: 100% NATURAL and 100% TERRA.

Plagron Easy Pack Natural Terra


In the Easy Pack 100% NATURAL you'll find our organic base fertilizer for the grow and flowering phase and our 4-in-1 star additive Green Sensation. The organic components in this pack improve the taste of the end product. This combination guarantees not just an excellent taste of your harvest, but also a legendary yield. It couldn't be easier!

100% TERRA

The difference between the Easy Pack 100% NATURAL and the Easy Pack 100% TERRA is the type of base fertilizer. While the base fertilizer in the 100% NATURAL pack is organic, the 100% TERRA version contains base mineral fertilizer for the grow and flowering phase. The big advantage of mineral fertilizers is that the plants can use the nutrients immediately. There is no delay between watering and absorption by the plant. That means this pack is particularly suitable for growers who want more direct control and quick results. This pack also contains our 4-in-1 star additive Green Sensation

Grow schedule

In your Easy Pack you'll find instructions in the form of a grow schedule. Follow this schedule and the indicated dosages for each week/period. There is enough fertilizer for up to 8 weeks of grow and up to 8 weeks of flower.

Start now and experience how easy success can be!

The Easy Packs are available both in stores and online. Use our Shoplocator to find the nearest store or online shop.