New: Plagron Easy Pack

July 26, 2024

Besides our Top Grow Box and our Starter Set we’re adding two new packs to our line up: the Easy Pack 100% NATURAL and the Easy Pack 100% TERRA. The Top Grow Box and Starter Set are made for a cultivation on one m² or of one plant. The new Easy Pack is designed for starting growers who want more than just base nutrients.

Plagron easy pack 100% Natural & 100% Terra

The Easy Pack contains organic or mineral base nutrients as well as our star product Green Sensation. With the base nutrients you ensure a good start and strong flowering phase for your plants. Green Sensation combines 4 positive effects in 1 bottle. It improves flowering, resistance, soil and yield. The combination of products in this pack ensures a legendary yield with heaver and more compact fruits.

What's in the pack?