Why do the leaves of my plant turn yellow? - Nitrogen deficiency

Yellow leaves may indicate a nitrogen deficiency in your plant. This is because chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. You'll first see this happen in the older leaves at the bottom of the plant. This happens because plants transport the available nitrogen to their young leaves and growing points. Eventually, the growth of plants will stop as a result, and leaves will fall off. Some plants may see the leaves turn purple instead of yellow. Among others, this happens in multiple varieties of cabbage. A plant with a nitrogen deficiency will remain smaller than a healthy plant. The same goes for its fruits. Plants with a nitrogen deficiency are also more susceptible to problems like diseases and insects.

Why do the leaves of my plant turn yellow? - Nitrogen deficiency

How do you recognize a nitrogen deficiency?

What is the (possible) cause of a nitrogen deficiency?

How can you prevent a nitrogen deficiency?

Under normal circumstances, a nitrogen deficiency does not occur quickly. However, during intense stress or a growth spurt the plant is more susceptible to deficiencies. By using one of our base nutrients like Alga Grow and Alga Bloom, you reduce the likelihood of a deficiency. Also keep abiotic factors in mind. These include temperature, light intensity, acidity, amount of moisture and wind strength.

How can you cure a nitrogen deficiency?

Are the leaves yellowed? Then fertilize your plants with a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, such as Terra Grow. We also call this a fertilizer with a high N value. These can be applied as foliar fertilizer.

Why would you want nitrogen for your plant?

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for your plant. It is required for the creation of chlorophyll. In turn, chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis. A plant uses photosynthesis to grow. Additionally, nitrogen is part of the amino acids. These are used to form proteins. Proteins are needed for every

Do I have a nitrogen deficiency?

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