Molybdenum deficiency

A molybdenum deficiency initially resembles a nitrogen deficiency. The oldest leaves at the bottom will turn yellow and might get dark spots. A molybdenum deficiency is recognised by a unique orange, red or pink colouring around the edges of the leaves. This colour may spread to the centre of the leaf.

Molybdenum deficiency

How do you recognise a molybdenum deficiency?

What is the (possible) cause?

How can you prevent it?

You can prevent a molybdenum deficiency by making sure your plant and its roots are at their optimal pH-value. Molybdenum is best absorbed when the pH-value is kept stable between 6.0 and 7.0.

How can you cure it?

Always make sure your plants can absorb enough molybdenum. Therefore, ensure the soil has been drained properly. Symptoms of molybdenum deficiency are most common on acidic soils with a low pH value. Use one of our base nutrients (like Cocos A&B) to reduce the likelihood of a molybdenum deficiency. Also keep abiotic factors in mind. These include temperature, light intensity, acidity, amount of moisture and wind strength.

What does molybdenum do for the plant?

Molybdenum is a part of the enzyme that converts nitrate into protein nitrogen. It is a building block of several plant hormones.

Not sure if you have a molybdenum deficiency?

Contact our Grow Expert via Servicedesk and ask for advice.