Promix: the best organic potting soil for growing outdoors

If you’re growing outside in pots and want to grow organically, then you don’t need to look any further than our Promix. It has all the advantages of our other 100% NATURAL potting soils. Let’s take a look at why Promix is the perfect organic soil for outdoor plants in pots.

Promix: the best organic potting soil for growing outdoors

What’s in Plagron Promix?

Like all 100% NATURAL substrates our Promix is made of a mix of carefully selected types of peat. This give it a fine and light structure, which is perfect for root formation. Promix also includes our famous Plagron worm castings. These are beneficial for the soil life, which is necessary to process the base nutrients you should add. Which brings us one of the big difference to the other 100% NATURAL soils: Promix is not fertilised at all. This low initial nutrient value is excellent for rapid root formation. But you should add our organic fertiliser Alga Grow from day one of your cultivation. The other difference is that Promix doesn’t contain perlite, for a more natural look in your outdoor pots.

How to use Promix outside?

Prepare your pots according to the well-known rules. Put a handful of Euro Pebbles on the bottom for better drainage. Then bed your plants into the Promix so that the shoulders of their root balls are well covered with soil. Water immediately afterwards with a nutrient solution containing Alga Grow and Power Roots. We also recommend spraying your plants with a solution of Vita Race. Later on in the cultivation, we advise you to start adding Sugar Royal and Green Sensation and switch to Alga Bloom. For dosages, download out our grow schedules or create your own with our Grow Schedule Calculator.