Do I need additives?

Growing outdoors for beginners. Additives are a bonus. A plant has a number of basic requirements: light, water, carbon dioxide, a nice temperature and humidity. If these requirements are fulfilled and you’re also providing base nutrition, you do not necessarily need additives. However, they can give your plants a good bit of help, especially in the early phase and around the end, during flowering. At these moments you can help with the formation of a root system and with fructification. But there are other problems you can encounter while growing your plants and additives can help you solve these.

Do I need additives?

Choices, choices

If you want to use additives to enhance your nutrition, which ones are useful? This depends on the situation. Additives can be very useful, especially when growing in pots. There are three different types.

Do you need help during your grow?

Contact our grow experts via Servicedesk. They are experts in plant development and application of products. They are able to give you a personalised advise about your situation.